In the state of Texas, drug crimes are taken very seriously. If you’re not represented by the right team, it’s possible for you to face severe consequences. If you are accused of drug importation, it may be due to either importing small quantities for your personal use or either importing and exporting large quantities across borders.
Regardless of the charge, our team will help you build a strong defense to avoid harsh consequences. Call our team today at 210-265-6564.
Why Hire Our Drug Lawyer in Austin
Our very own Attorney Hernandez was a public defender, meaning that he’s worked with countless criminal cases, including drug crimes and importation drug crimes. He has the resources and experience necessary to fight against your drug importation charge, no matter how big or small it may be. Even though you may feel helpless, you always have options. Call us today for a free case evaluation.
Penalties For Drug Importation Charges
Drug importation charges can often be considered felonies. They may be punished with anywhere from a light sentence to a first-degree felony punishment. There are various factors that affect how bad the charge is, including the number of drugs that were being imported and their class type. If there was a smaller quantity of a drug being imported that is in a lower class, the penalty would not be as severe.
Penalties may include jail time from 180 days up until 99 years in prison for the strictest first-degree felony charge. There are several possible defenses that arise quite often when fighting a drug charge, including if the individual didn’t know what they were doing or that the product was illegal, if there was a mistake of fact, a threat being used against them, or the drug wasn’t meant for human consumption.
When to Work With a Lawyer
Waiting to reach out to our team could only hurt you in the long run. As soon as you are charged or taken into custody, you should reach out to our drug charge lawyer in Austin to start building a strong case. These situations are time-sensitive, so you may only have a small amount of time to prepare before you have to face the courts.
Without the right representation, you could be facing heavy penalties and severe consequences. Professional representation will allow you to enter the courtroom confident that you have a strong defense to present. Don’t wait to contact our office- we encourage you to reach out as soon as you can to have the best possible odds of winning.
Contact Us Today
When it comes to a drug importation charge, fighting it can be difficult. Law enforcement officials can sometimes obtain evidence in immoral ways and make decisions based on who they believe is at fault for the situation. You may even deal with an illegal search and seizure, which we can use to fight against your charges.
The fate of winning or losing your case depends on having an attorney who can successfully put together a compelling case, and the Law Office of Jesse Hernandez can do just that. Contact us today for hard-hitting defense measures and invaluable law expertise.
San Antonio Office: 3107 Broadway Street, San Antonio, Texas 78209. (210) 672-1435.
Houston Office: 3663 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Office 607 Houston, TX, 77032
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